Monday 10 July 2023


Gallicenae, XI.

When a narrative broadens out, some of its incidents are contemporaneous rather than sequential. Thus, in Poul Anderson's Technic History, while Nicholas van Rijn adventures in space, Adzel studies on Earth and, later, van Rijn and David Falkayn have simultaneous adventures on different planets. In Poul and Karen Anderson's The King of Ys, while Gratillonius settles Drusus in Aquilo, his deputy, Adminius, is married in the Ysan Nymphaeum. Various already established characters interact: Adminius, Cynan, Budic, Queen Forsquilis, Corentinus and Keban and even the Ysan God, Taranis, makes a nocturnal appearance. The Christian minister, Corentinus, must cope with the fact that his catechumen, Budic, has seen Taranis. Since Budic is not called to celibacy, might he agree to marry the newly converted Keban, who needs a good position, for the good of both their souls? Corentinus' ministry combines spirituality with practicality.

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