Tuesday 11 July 2023

Over A Decade In Ys

Gallicenae, XV, 1.

This chapter and chapter section open:

"It had become clear to the Nine and many others that Dahut would embark upon womanhood in her twelfth year." (p. 319)

Twelve years have elapsed since Dahilis gave birth near the end of Volume I. Notionally, Gratillonius and his Romans are merely stationed in Ys. Factually, they have settled down and are becoming Ysans. Gratillonius, Adminius and Budic have married. Gratillonius is the King as well as the prefect, the centurion and the Father of the Mithraeum. Other characters have settled subsequently: Corentinus in the former Temple of Mars and Rufinus at the top of the Polaris tower. We would appreciate a much longer series presenting a month by month account of lives and interactions in Ys, especially in the light of the knowledge that it will all end and soon.

The Terran Empire need not fall in the lifetime of Dominic Flandry but the legend of Ys decrees that Grallon is its last King.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I thought for long volumes was plenty for THE KING OF YS!

Ad astra! Sean