Wednesday 20 July 2022

Tyrian Gods

"Ivory, and Apes, and Peacocks."

The patron god of Tyre is Melqart, also known as Baal-Melek-Qart-Sor. His consort, Astarte, is:

goddess of fruitfulness;
a female warrior who recalled her lover from death;
a sea queen;
Ishtar in Babylon;
Aphrodite in Greece.

Their temples face each other across a square near the centre of Tyre.

There are also small temples to:

Tanith, Our Lady of the Waves, possibly an avatar of Astarte;
Baal Hammon, comparatively unimportant;
no doubt others.

With the publication of The Guardians Of Time and Time Patrolman, the Time Patrol series was complete in seven stories in two volumes. Then more was added.

If I lived in Tyre, then I would meditate at home and maybe in the temple of Tanith.

I have known Pagans to chant the names of the Goddess:

"Isis, Astarte, Diana,
"Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inana."


Jim Baerg said...

Apparently worshiped under the name Asherah by the pre-monotheism Hebrews.

Jim Baerg said...