Friday 22 July 2022

Everard In Tyre

"Ivory, and Apes, and Peacocks." 

In case any Exaltationists lurking in Tyre had the means to detect the arrival in the city of a timecycle, Everard took several days to travel there by ship in an appropriate disguise. On arrival, he would probably have immediately been killed by an Exaltationist assassin if not for the intervention of Pum. Would the Patrol have sent an Unattached agent to Tyre, knowing that he was going to be killed on arrival? I think that the following would have happened:

Everard sets out to depart from New York to 950 BC;

the Middle Command tells him not to go;

this does not prevent Everard from arriving in 950 BC, travelling to Tyre and being killed;

But it does free the Everard who has not departed from New York to pursue the Exaltationists by other means.

We know that the Patrol breaks its own rules in controlled conditions to achieve specific ends.

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