Friday 15 July 2022

Star Wars And Time Patrol

We have cafes where second hand books lie around waiting to be read and maybe bought. Thus, I come across an original Star Wars novel by an author who contributes to such media franchises. This is one level of competent professional writing although not the highest level of literary creativity.

We recognize sf cliches like an interstellar civilization with heavily armed faster than light spaceships. There are technological differences between fictional universes. In Star Wars, interstellar communication is possible by means of instantaneously transmitted holographic images. 

One theme of this blog is that Poul Anderson wrote interstellar civilizations with faster than light spaceships better then the authors of Star Wars, Star Trek, Dune etc. In addition to his future histories and non-series sf novels, Anderson's Time Patrol series is set in a timeline with interstellar civilizations etc but this is usually not noticed this because the narratives are focused on time travel to the Terrestrial past. The Exaltationists were bred for adventure on the space frontier before they became time criminals. Any number of novels could be set in future periods of the Time Patrol timeline.


S.M. Stirling said...

Well, Poul -did- have a degree in physics. With honors. And he kept up with developments. It's not surprising that he did better at SFnal scientific speculation on things like FTL drives.

S.M. Stirling said...

One of the coffee-shops I frequent here in Santa Fe has a shelf where people can drop off and pick up books.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

Including, I hope, some of the books of both you and Anderson.

Large parts of your Shadowspawn books are set in New Mexico, so some of those coffee house customers should recognize many locations.

Ad astra! Sean