Friday 15 July 2022


Poul Anderson, "Delenda Est" IN Anderson, Time Patrol (Riverdale, NY, 2010), pp. 173-228.

Everard and Van Sarawak have arrived in a divergent timeline:

"The crowd was milling away from them, shouting in some babble they couldn't understand." (2, p. 178)

The language sounds Celtic and the script, when seen, is:

"...obviously Semitic." (p. 181)

If this story is filmed, then a linguist should devise a small vocabulary in a Celtic-sounding language. The actors would then shout words, phrases and short sentences but without subtitles. The Time Patrolmen do not understand what is said so neither should we. If the story is adapted into comic strip form, then the speech balloons should display Semitic-like script. Van Sarawak cannot read the script despite his knowledge of Hebrew from dealing with Israeli colonies on Venus. 

Epsilon Korten, director of Jerusalem Base, was born in New Edom on Mars in the twenty ninth century. In the Technic History, Max Abrams and his daughter, Miriam, are from the planet, Dayan. In the Dune History, there is Secret Israel. There is a Jewish merchant in SM Stirling's Emberverse. Our traditions proliferate through different futures.

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