Thursday 21 July 2022

Food And History

"Ivory, and Apes, and Peacocks."

Manse Everard, and every other Time Patrol agent, cannot be vaccinated against every disease in history:

"...vaccinations against every disease that came and went through the ages would long since have overloaded his immune system.)" (p. 310)

So how do they survive through long periods in previous centuries?

"(...Without the gene-tailored protective microbes the Patrol medics had implanted in him, he'd never have dared touch local [food] that wasn't cooked dead." (ibid.)

That is one of the many details that I had not remembered from previous readings.

The Exaltationists threaten to destroy Tyre with explosives during Hiram's reign. In case they succeed, Epsilon Korten advocates:

"'...let us establish a strong standby - personnel, organization, plans - in Jerusalem, ready to minimize the effects there. The less that Solomon's kingdom suffers, the less powerful the change vortex will be. That should give us more likelihood of damping it out altogether." (pp. 308-309)

Thus, neither Biblical scholars nor archaeologists in later centuries will suspect that Tyre was destroyed during Solomon's reign? Chaim Zorach says that Korten is:

"'...playing fast and loose with history.'" (p. 309)

I suggest that he is tearing it up by its roots.

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