Sunday 24 July 2022

Tiwaz's Shaw And Literary Sources

"The Sorrow of Odin the Goth."

On Midwinter Eve, in Tiwaz's Shaw, horse, hound and slave are offered to the Binder of the Wolf who then banishes darkness and cold. No one goes there at any other time - except Carl who is seen to enter the Shaw by a boy who follows him once when he leaves the thorp. What more practical or appropriate place for Farness to conceal his timecycle? - just as time corridors are placed under dolmens in The Corridors Of Time. It is as if such places had been prepared for time travellers to make use of them.

The literary sources of Wagner's Ring Cycle and of Anderson's "The Sorrow of Odin the Goth" are:

the Volsungasaga
the Nibelungenlied
the Elder and Younger Eddas

Farness recounts a story to Everard. Wagner has used the first half and Anderson the second. Most of the events described by Farness in the second half of the story happen to his own descendants in the fourth century.

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