Friday 22 July 2022

The Twin Horsemen

Anderson, "The Sorrow of Odin the Goth" IN Anderson, Time Patrol (Riverdale, NY, 2010), pp. 333-465, 372, pp. 333-341.

The gods carved on pillars are:

one-handed Father Tiwaz
Donar of the Ax
the Twin Horsemen

Odin displaced Tiwaz as Allfather. Tiwaz became Tyr, the god of war, the equivalent of Mars.

Donar was Thor.

Who were the Twin Horsemen? I do not seem to have asked this before. Are they to be identified with two Hindu figures? I do not know. Good Night.

1 comment:

S.M. Stirling said...

They're an inheritance from the original Indo-European religion; like Tiwas Fader
(Dyaush Pitar), originally common to all of them.