Sunday 31 July 2022

From 300 To 1990

"The Sorrow of Odin the Goth."

Carl Farness withdraws from his Gothic descendants. He bids a final farewell to Alawin who takes the family west and is baptized. Carl assures himself of Alawin's subsequent well-being but in different disguises. He is no longer the Wanderer. Alawin distinguishes himself against the Romans at the Battle of Adrianople in 378. He dies in old age in the Visigothic kingdom in southern Gaul and:

"'Descendants of his took a leading part in founding the Spanish nation.'" (43, p. 462)

"The Year of the Ransom."

The Spanish Conquistador, Don Luis Castelar, becomes a large landowner in South America. His descendants flourish and include:

"'...a woman who marries a sea captain from North America...'" (25 May 1987, p. 734)

- thus becoming an ancestress of Wanda Tamberly whom Manse Everard recruits to the Time Patrol over dinner on 25 May, 1987.

We have followed a historical progression from Winnithat the Wisentslayer in 300, pp. 347-350, to Wanda Tamberly whom we last see in 1990. 

1 comment:

S.M. Stirling said...

It's been said that if you could have dinner with your 10 lineal ancestors, you'd get some surprises -- and probably couldn't understand #10.