Monday 26 July 2021

The Venture League

Starfarers, 49, 52.

The Venture League, although financed by fledgling businesses, is a social movement with a cosmic goal that incorporates but transcends immediate financial returns. As such, the League resembles an active social philosophy, a socially active religious movement or a political party seeking not immediate electoral results but a sustainable human future.

Such a movement must gain and sustain momentum. If the hundreds of young applicants can be organized into an active nucleus, then thousands more will be recruited throughout the Tau Cetian system. Otherwise, the movement will decline especially in the face of hostile counter-propaganda. The academy must begin to educate recruits with home-study courses to be followed by simulator training, then practical experience, but they need Nansen's advice on content as well as the early return of a Kith ship. When Fleetwing approaches but becomes undetectable, i.e., goes off the zero-zero drive, this is a potential disaster. However, Envoy rescues Fleetwing, thus transforming tragedy to triumph.

Shortly after:

the first starships are equipped with the Tahirian field drive and officered by Kith;

planetary engineering will make new worlds habitable;

thus, starfaring will become profitable for everyone;

other races will be initiated into starfaring;

many zero-zero drives will bind universe and substrate together, thus strengthening existence; 

holontic time communicators, once built, will unite the universe across space and time.

The Venture League is a potential series.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

In order to advance its goals and hopes, the Venture League would still need large, even vast sums of money. So it needs those fledgling businesses to succeed--which would also help convince others at Tau Ceti that it was worthwhile supporting it. And that in turn would build up a base of support for the Venture League.

While Anderson would sympathize with the hopes and goals you outlined, he would also have speculated about possible defeats, disappointments, setbacks, problems, etc. Because he believed we have to always keep such things in mind as well.

Ad astra! Sean