Monday 19 July 2021

Change On Tahir

Starfarers, 43.

Fourteen hundred Tahirian years elapsed during Envoy's round trip to the black hole. Weather and growth have erased the human base on the planet and have even changed its site beyond recognition. A river has replaced a stream. Trees are sparser and of a different kind. The planetary axis is shifting and the poles are shrinking. 

By their original arrival and now by the new information that they have brought from the black hole, the Envoy crew have disturbed Tahirian civilization. One Tahirian says that the human race is mad. Nansen replies:

"'(Maybe. And maybe that is why we voyage.)' 
"The wind blew, the waves ran." (p. 410)
Wind and waves show natural processes continuing despite the Tahirians' resistance to change.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I think that disturbance of Tahirian culture or civilization will be so profound that the Tahirians will have no choice but to change as well, to renounce the dream of an eternally stable equilibrium in their society. Because, among other things, some Tahrians will again insist on leaving their home world, to again go star faring.

Ad astra! Sean