Friday 30 July 2021

The Special-X

As a re-reader, I leapfrog across Poul Anderson's future histories. Thus, the "Special-X" character in Anderson's Starfarers reminds us of genetically engineered human beings in his Harvest The Fire, which I will probably reread next. Then maybe a post on the pivotal role of "Lodestar" in the Technic History, but not yet.

The X has strange eyes and tentacles instead of fingers. Created for some particular purpose, then released, he lives in a slum and was not accepted as a spaceman. Although he survives comfortably, he reflects:

"'As for whether it's worth the trouble, staying alive -' He shrugged. 'I'm not, anyway. A man's only alive when he has something bigger than himself to live or die for.'" (21, p. 189)

Philosophical reflection in a sleazy bar.

A man is alive as long as he appreciates life.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

But I sympathize with what the Special X said! To believe in something bigger than one's self can indeed make life worth living for many people. Such as faith in God or the dream of new lives, hopes, frontiers, etc., off Earth in space.

Ad astra! Sean