Friday 30 July 2021

Kith Town


"The town began as a district in a small city." (10, p. 77)

The district became a community which:

"...abided, while change swept to and fro around it like seas around a rock." (ibid.)

When Michael Shaughnessy visits, Kith Town is surrounded by trees and grass. However, by the time of Kenri Shaun, another city has grown around it:

"...before the city was, Kith Town stood alone." (21, p. 187)

Centuries earlier, when Kenri's grandparents were alive, the city bustled with commerce. His parents had known a bourgeois district. Kenri remembers "...a peaceful lower-class neighborhood..." (21, p. 186) which has now gone bad. Kith Town is changeless but dwindling. It has known wars, riots and, during recent Terrestrial lifetimes, swaggering officers enforcing new proclamations.

"Kenri shivered in the autumn wind and walked fast." (ibid.)

The autumn wind exactly matches Terrestrial treatment of the Kith.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

It was left unstated, but it's plain Kenri's grandparents had known or seen the Dominancy before it became corrupt, oppressive, and decadent. Which inspires another question: what was the Dominancy like at its height?

Ad astra! Sean