Wednesday 21 July 2021

Lost In The Corridors Of Time

Susan Howatch's character, Adrian Parrish, goes to war in 1914:

"I braced myself, prepared to ride into battle bearing aloft the standards in which I believed so passionately, prepared to die if necessary for the cause I thought so worthwhile.
"But I did not die. Nor did I ride into battle on a milk-white charger like some mythical crusader lost in the corridors of time."
-Susan Howatch, Penmarric (London, 2014), III, CHAPTER SEVEN, p. 352.
Again Howatch, no doubt unknowingly, echoes Poul Anderson. Time might be compared to a corridor but why should it be thought to have "corridors" in the plural?

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

It does make me wonder if Howatch had read Anderson's THE CORRIDORS OF TIME! I think it's reasonable to think some mainstream writers do read science fiction.

Ad astra! Sean