Saturday 10 July 2021

Deals With Dinosaurs

I should have said last night that Poul Anderson has a dinosaur story, "Wildcat," although not a surviving dinosaurs story. There is also "Iggy" in "The Nest."

Sf characters can encounter dinosaurs:

by time traveling;
by cloning them;
on other planets;
on a lost plateau, island or continent;
in a lost valley;
inside the Earth;
on a parallel Earth.

Have I missed any? Anderson goes for the time travel option as does Asimov although only to make a point about something else. A drunk and/or time traveler claims that the small dinosaurs with guns killed the big ones, then each other. (This is not about dinosaurs but about us.) A time criminal in Anderson's Time Patrol series might try to prevent the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Relevant authors:

de Camp

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I forgot about Anderson's "The Nest," which I should have thought of.

While I think it is reasonable to think planets roughly like Earth might go thru eras where they have animals much like the dinosaurs, this should not be pressed too far. Those dinosaur like animals will also be different from Earth's dinosaurs.

It's logical to think Anderson's Time Patrol had paleontologists who both studied the dinosaurs and guarded against interference by time villains.

Ad astra! Sean