Tuesday 20 July 2021


Starfarers, 44.

All existence is unity.
A lifeless universe would be meaningless.
Intelligent life, awareness, is the forefront of existence.
This forefront is to evolve until it is identical with the Ultimate which realizes itself through life.
Humanity has taken a wrong turn.
It is becoming irrelevant or even a threat to the Meaning on Earth.
On its present course, it will become extinct.
Technology is part of intelligence.
However, human beings have adapted themselves to technology instead of to the Meaning.
They destroy nature whereas their duty is to restore and live with it.
Knowledge gained from spacefaring should be used to enrich and enlarge life and mind here and now.
Seladorians are opposed by those who want to maintain and extend current uses of technology.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm impatient with Seladorian philosophy! It boils down yet again to the ancient error of pantheism, that the universe is God, or mankind has to help make the universe become God. Or that Seladorian mankind will become a part of that God. Madness!

Yet again, with the Seladorians, we see the error of men trying to force onto the universe a meaning it does not have, in and of itself. The Seladorians are reading into the universe a meaning it does not have.

Ad astra! Sean