Tuesday 13 July 2021

Coping With Quantum Chaos

Starfarers, 33.

Tahirians have a "'...sense for quantum mechanics...'" and an "'...instinct for coping with chaotic changes.'" (p. 310) So would they be better equipped to deal with the mutable timeline of the Time Patrol series? In that series, the Danellians are the post-human outcome of an evolution inherently involving time travel so do they share the Tahirians' quantum sense and instincts for chaos? In practice, this might mean the abilities first to intuit whether the current period is a nexus when the course of events is unusually easy to divert and secondly to recognize whether a particular individual like Lorenzo da Conti is a personal causal nexus such that small changes in his life events alter the configurations of too many other influential world lines. A being with such abilities might sense which course of action to take without needing to consult Patrol computers.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

A Tahirian staffed Time Patrol is an intriguing idea! But it might have made for less interesting Time Patrol stories. And Tahirian Time Patrolers would still need to have archives and make use of computerized analyses.

Ad astra! Sean