Sunday 29 November 2020

Didonian Units

Didonian Units
nogas: like rhinoceroses, stupid on their own;
rukas: like apes, with the largest forebrains;
krippos: birds.
Three entities, Master of Songs, Cave Discoverer and Many Thoughts, share a noga and a ruka, differing only in their krippo. Thus, killing that one krippo will end three entities.

The common noga and ruka bestow vigor and boldness. Cave Discoverer explores and adventures geographically whereas Many Thoughts journeys spiritually. Entities have descriptions, not names. A region with a large, loud waterfall is called Thunderstone. Places come closer to being named.
Information about Dido is highly condensed and difficult to retain.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Information highly condensed and difficult to retain? This only makes me wish Anderson had been allowed by his publishers to expand both A CIRCUS OF HELLS and THE REBEL WORLDS. Maybe by as much as fifty pages.

Ad astra! Sean