Monday 30 November 2020

Another Didonian Unit

The Rebel Worlds, XII.

See Didonian Units.

Whereas Cave Discoverer, Master of Songs and Many Thoughts differ only in their krippo, Cave Discoverer and Woe differ only in their ruka. Although this ruka, a captured enemy unit, must make oneness in order to drink blood and survive, heesh has to be forced into oneness because of heesh's ideological differences from the Thunderstoners. Some of the Thunderstone vocabulary was lost when Cave Discoverer's ruka died but some was retained and more regained when another ruka temporarily replaced the krippo although the new ruka's culture regards such two-species linkages as perverted. Flandry's linguistic skills enable him to lead the variously combined units through speech exercises. He has called a mind into being. Strange.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

If rukas have more forebrains than either of the other two standard units of a Didonian entity, shouldn't two rukas linked to a noga be more intelligent than one formed with a krippo? What do krippos and that made a linkage formed with a noga and ruka more desirable than one formed by a noga/two rukas?

Ad astra! Sean

Sean M. Brooks said...

Correction: "What do krippos ADD [not "and"] that made a linkage formed with a noga and ruka more desirable than one formed by a noga/two rukas?"
