Saturday 28 November 2020

Didonian Education And Maturation

The Rebel Worlds, IX.

Adult units form temporary entities in different combinations with immature units. Thus, the immature units absorb memories from all the entities in which those adult units have participated. The young also partner among themselves, then usually each of them replaces a unit that has died out of established entities. Thus, for an established entity, it is as if a third of heesh's memories have changed. Heesh has forgotten some old information but learned an equivalent amount of new information. Imagine if you forgot having read Poul  Anderson but acquired memories of having read some other author. Then you could reread Anderson. Any given personality does not cease abruptly but fades gradually into a different personality. Didonians must have a completely different understanding of the ontological status of a personality because they directly experience that gradual fading.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

This also seems to lessen the importance of, and need for writing, literacy, and books.

Ad astra! Sean