Thursday, 15 October 2020

Time Travelers

To the Time Traveler, time travel is an experiment and an adventure. (Wells)

To Hank Morgan and Martin Padway, it is an accident and an opportunity. (Twain, de Camp)

To Jerry Parker and Gerard Samsson, it is an accident. (Anderson, Anderson)

To temporal bureau and Time Patrol agents, it is a profession. (Heinlein, Anderson)

To Wardens and Rangers, it is an instrument of war. (Anderson)

To Jack Havig and Henry De Tamble, it is a way of life. (Anderson, Niffenegger)

To colonists of the Jurassic, it is a means of survival. (Anderson)

To a future civilization, it is a means of exile. (Anderson)

To Duke Hugo of Sicily, it is a source of plunder. (Anderson)

This is one of those lists which:

was meant to introduce a post;
grew to become a post;
no doubt can be extended.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And Jack Havig's ability to time travel was also an accident, a genetic fluke.

Ad astra! Sean