Thursday 22 October 2020

Unresolvable Paradoxes II

There is always more.

See Unresolvable Paradoxes.

(iv)  Havig phones Robert Anderson to ask whether there was any trouble from Eyrie agents when he and Leonce visited Anderson the previous week. Anderson replies, "But you did not visit me last week." Thus, Havig knows that, if he and Leonce set out to visit Anderson, then something, possibly a fatal accident or an Eyrie ambush, will prevent them. Therefore, Havig and Leonce do not set out to visit Anderson. This is possible. However, if they do not set out to visit Anderson, then there does not need to be any fatal accident or Eyrie ambush waiting in the wings to prevent them. Anderson telling Havig that they did not visit is sufficient explanation of why they did not visit.

(v) Suppose, first, that there is no fatal accident or Eyrie ambush waiting in the wings and, secondly, that Havig is the sort of guy who would go ahead with an attempted visit even if Anderson tells him that there was no visit. In this case, the visit happens, Anderson tells Havig that the visited happened, therefore Anderson does not tell Havig that there was no visit.

And I think that we have now covered all the possibilities.

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