Thursday 22 October 2020

The Nineteenth And Twentieth Centuries

There Will Be Time, XIV.

Jack Havig was the last time traveler found by the Eyrie before the Judgment and there are no time travelers in the Maurai period. What happens later?

The Eyrie is a nineteenth century outfit. Wallis may have heard of, e.g., operations analysis but does not know how to use it. Eyrie agents do not examine Havig's chronolog or think of better ways to search for recruits in Jerusalem on the day of the Crucifixion, e.g., by walking through the city chanting lines from the Greek or Latin mass.

The nineteenth century produced:

- but the seeds planted by such minds sprouted later. Havig can beat the Eyrie with a twentieth century outfit. Nineteenth centurians did not yet realize that mankind is depleting nature.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Additionally, Caleb Wallis had to struggle his way from poor, hardscrabble beginnings. I don't think he had the time needed for abstract, philosophical study. Now, if he had NOT been a racist and so ruthless, I can see Jack Havig allying with him and supplying 20th century advances to what the Sachem had begun. Effectively, that's what Havig did after overthrowing Wallis.

Ad astra! Sean