Sunday 18 October 2020

ERBian Parallels

There Will Be Time, VII.

The Red Hawk is Volume III of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Moon Trilogy which is a sequel to ERB's Martian series. In the Martian series, green Martian hordes include Warhoons. In the Moon Trilogy, Moon Men invade Earth and civilization is destroyed.

In Poul Anderson's There Will Be Time, civilization is destroyed, the Mong invade North America and Jack Havig meets Leonce of the Glacier Folk, the Skula of Wahorn.

In Anderson's novel, post-Judgment society where mounted soldiers guard farm workers under the dictatorship of one strong man, the Sachem, is exactly as ERB would have imagined it but better-written.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Aw, shucks! Why didn't I see those now obvious to me homages to ERB in Anderson's THERE WILL BE TIME? After all, I have repeatedly read both the Barsoom stories and THERE WILL BE TIME. I feel disgruntled!

I think some kind of feudal system is almost inevitable after a civilization falls. Preferably ones where the leaders, unlike Caleb Wallis, are not racists.

Ad astra! Sean