Saturday 31 October 2020

Gaeanity IV

Orion Shall Rise, CHAPTER SIX.

See Gaeanity III.

"'...the Life Force may well cast us off entirely, as it cast off the dinosaurs, and spend the next few millions of years evolving a creature that is both sentient and sane.'" (p. 74)

Natural selection explains evolution without reference to a Life Force. An accident wiped out the dinosaurs. If conditions had continued to favor large reptiles with small brains, then no organisms would have been selected for manipulation and conceptualization. If mankind becomes extinct, then re-evolution of intelligence is not inevitable.

"'Our part is to serve the supreme organism of which we are a part. Ours is to revere life, while developing ourselves as human beings because that is to develop an aspect of Gaea.'" (pp. 74-75)

Gaeanity and Cosmenosis sound like planetary and cosmic versions of the same philosophy.

All life must be revered because it is part of the environment that sustains us. At last, human development is recognized although not as an end-in-itself.  

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Exactly, it was an ACCIDENT, not some pseudo-mystic nonsense about a "Life Force" which wiped out the dinosaurs.

And if we don't want a similar accident wiping us out, then we have better get off this rock SOON!!!!!

Ad astra! Sean