Saturday 31 October 2020

Gaeanity V

Orion Shall Rise, CHAPTER SIX.

See Gaeanity IV.

"Evolution has thus far been the working of a blind force..." (p. 74)

Evolution is not a single force but interactions between many organisms and their environments. A blind force might develop intelligent organisms by accident but not "' order that She may think.'" (p. 74) (My emphasis.)

"'...often going wrong though always in the end correcting itself.'" (ibid.)

Blindness is a defect in a sighted organism but not in a natural force. Such forces are unconscious but not "blind." Unconscious natural forces like gravitation, electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces, function according to physical laws but not toward any end and therefore have no need to "correct" themselves. Natural selection generates apparent purpose which is what confuses the Gaeans. When naturally selected organic sensitivity to environmental alterations has quantitatively increased until it is qualitatively transformed into conscious sensation, then two purposes, pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain, begin to exist.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

As a Catholic I have no objection to evolution, per se, but I do believe God intervened at a certain point in time to infuse a pre-human hominid with a soul. Which reminds me, again, of "The Little Monster," which touches on that idea.

Ad astra! Sean