Sunday 25 October 2020

Historical Transition


The transition from "The Sky People" to "Progress" is a wrench because "Progress" begins in the midst of the action with different characters although there is early evidence of historical continuity when the words "N'Zealann," "Maurai" and "Lohannaso" soon appear in the text. (pp. 74-75)

The phrase:

"For centuries after the War of Judgment..." (p. 84)

- suggests a longer timescale than that implied in There Will be Time where it seems that rebellion against Maurai dominance begins when the Eyrie moves to Phase Two in the twenty-second century.

In "The Sky People," Ruori Lohannaso first reflects that Maurai political psychologists should be able to "divide-and-rule" (p. 34) the Sky People and later explicitly suggests that Meycan missionary and cultural influence will civilize them over "'...a century or two.'" (p. 67) In "Progress," we read:

"Relations between the Sea People and the clans of southwest Merica remained fairly close, however little direct trade went on. After all, missions from Awaii had originally turned those aerial pirates to more peaceable ways." (p. 88)

When Ranu says that the Maurai Federation sends psychodynamic teams to redirect the energies of barbarians, a Merican responds:

"'Just like you did with my ancestors, eh?'" (p. 92)

So it seems that Ruori's "...century or two..." have elapsed and this explains the absence of character continuity. It is at this point that the Maurai stories become a future history series, however brief.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I think a longer time span that possibly implied by THERE WILL BE TIME makes sense for both that book and the three earlier Maurai stories. At least 400 or 500 years after the War of Judgment. That would give time for all these socio/political changes and adjustments to take place without being crowded together too tightly.

And I do remember Ruori's suggestion to the Meycans that one of taming the Sky Pirates would be to send missionaries to them and win them over to Christianity and teach them more civilized ways. And how one of his hosts laughed and said approvingly that would be a subtle revenge on the barbarians.

Ad astra! Sean said...


The Merican in "Progress" refers to "God," not to Oktai etc.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Which strongly implies the Meycan missionaries succeeded!

Ad astra! Sean said...


But elsewhere in the dialogue that Merican does swear by Oktai. Old ways of speaking outlast their original contexts.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Of course! And,for a while, during Victorian and Edwardian times some Britons would exclaim "by Jove," to avoid abusing more sacred Names. Well, that might have lingered on even after 1910!

Ad astra! Sean

S.M. Stirling said...

Also, "by Jove" reflected the heavy Classical bias of British upper-class education.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Mr. Stirling!

I should have remembered that.

Ad astra! Sean