Tuesday 12 March 2019

"The Alien Enemy"

"Home" was published in 1966, "The Alien Enemy" in 1968. The former refers to the Directorate back on Earth. The latter refers to the Directorate and is set on Earth. Thus, a distinct series potentially emerges.

The first person narrator of "The Alien Enemy" is a spaceman employed by the Ministry of Extraterrestrial Affairs which has its centrum in Rotterdam. Earth is crowded but a spaceman's pay accumulates over years and decades so that our viewpoint character can afford to spend his leisure time in whatever open spaces are left.

We have seen a Directorate spaceship captain force the personnel of an extra-solar scientific base to return to Earth against their will. Now we are to read an account narrated by another spacefaring employee of that same Directorate. What issues will arise and which side will we take this time?

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And readers who come to "The Alien Enemy" for the first time will be surprised at exactly what that alien enemy will be!
