Sunday 17 March 2019

Dirzh In 538 A.C.C.

See "Time Lag."

Poul Anderson's "Time Lag" is divided into five sections:

522 Anno Coloniae Conditae: is set on the planet Vaynamo and in space;

538 A.C.C.: is set in the city of Dirzh on the planet Chektoi;

553 A.C.C.: is set on Vaynamo;

569 A.C.C.: is set in Dirzh;

583 A.C.C.: is set in space near Vaynamo.

In 538
Bors Golyev and Elva have an apartment with three cramped rooms and a balcony, considered luxurious;

their single domestic servant can at any time be returned to, and replaced from, street level;

when Bors has company, Elva is confined to the sleeping cubicle;

Dirzh stretches toward the horizon in every direction;

it is mostly "...immense gray blocks..." (p. 121) although with a few shining steel and glass spires;

to the east, there are mines, chimneys and desert;

elevated roads carry robo-freight or client pedestrians wearing gray;

aircars carry patrons;

dust, smoke, fumes and vapors hide the streets;

an odor of acid and rotten eggs rises through thick air to the balcony;

in underground caves and tunnels, workers tend machines and criminal packs carry weapons;

Chertkoians who can afford to chain-smoke do;

their entertainment includes multi-sensory films and live combat;

the single large moon is visible but neon and thick air hide most of the stars.

Dirzh reminds us of Niyorek. (See also Niyorek II and Down The Shaft.)

Next post: Dirzh in 569 A.C.C. (Expect deterioration and decay.)

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I've been wondering if Chertkoi was originally by people of Russian descent. Names like "Chertkoi," "Dirz," and "Bors Golyev," etc., have a Slavic look or feel to them. But, almost certainly, Chertkoi was not settled directly from Old Earth. Rather the first colonists there probably came from an older colony.

And, unfortunately, the people took the wrong path developing their planet. Instead of being slow, gradual, and careful, as the Vaynamoans have been, the Chertkoians seems to have gone the way of top down, state enforced rapid industrialization. With little or no regard for the costs and dangers. Pity!
