Tuesday 19 March 2019

Three Senses In Space

Poul Anderson, "Pride" IN Anderson, Space Folk (New York, 1989), pp. 1-28. (Originally published in Far Frontiers, see image.)

In the wardroom of the spaceship, Anna Lovinda:

"Coffee and tea made the air fragrant. Music lilted out of speakers... Garments were loose, colorful..." (p. 2)

Fragrance, music and color: senses can be addressed not only in scenic descriptions of planetary environments but even also within the confines of a spaceship. But the crew also look outward. In a large viewscreen:

"Stars clouded blackness, icy-bright and unwinking. They streamed slowly past vision as the ship rotated." (ibid.)

The Milky Way has not shown up yet. However, a few pages later:

"The Milky Way - in her native language, the Winter Street - swept in an ice-bright torrent..." (p. 14)

This sentence, on p. 14, continues with a slight variation on the sound of space:

"...whose silence felt like a mysterious noise, something other than the whisper of blood in her ears, filling the hollowness around." (ibid.)

Thus, although the viewpoint character does not literally listen to radio static, she nevertheless hears the portentous silence of the interstellar spaces.

Next we need to know who is in the spaceship, what their mission is and what is happening between them.

(Meanwhile, I cannot get people who read one blog to read others. Today, I have posted on Comics Appreciation here and on Personal and Literary Reflections here.)


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I will drop by the other blogs! (Smiles)


David Birr said...

I tried to put a comment in the James Blish Appreciation blog, specifically the 26 September 2018 entry which refers to Spock Must Die!. Just as before, when I hit either Publish or Preview (I tried both), my comment was promptly erased.

For the record, it was:
Spock made the remark that he could probably operate the new warp-drive. Scotty called that, "Hubris. O'erweening pride. Downfall of the Greeks." He added, [approximate quote, and without attempting to duplicate his accent], "If you don't get a disaster, you'll get a miracle, and that may well be worse."

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...

Sorry about problems on James Blish Appreciation. I don't think we can do anything about it.

Ketlan said...

Spock made the remark that he could probably operate the new warp-drive. Scotty called that, "Hubris. O'erweening pride. Downfall of the Greeks." He added, [approximate quote, and without attempting to duplicate his accent], "If you don't get a disaster, you'll get a miracle, and that may well be worse."

Ketlan said...

Sorry, that was just a test. Apologies, David. Google is a power unto itself. At the moment, all my posts appear to be getting through just fine but it doesn't seem that long ago when I suffered similar problems to your own. Small help, I know, but fingers crossed the problem is resolved very soon.

paulshackley2017@gmail.com said...

I successfully commented "Texting" in the combox for the post to which David refers.