Saturday 16 March 2019

Hail And Good Night

At Motorway Services, I had a vegetarian breakfast. I am back from London but too tired to blog.


continue to reread some short stories about space travel by Poul Anderson;

start to read Fifth Millennium novels by SM Stirling;

continue to contemplate superhero mythology which is an offshoot of sf;

right now, get some sleep.

To those who read the blog: please continue and comment.
To those who comment:       please continue.
To everyone:                        see you back her tomorrow, I hope.

The following morning: For more on superhero mythology, see Krypton, Kree And Qys.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

As so often happens in "shared worlds" works with several authors, a satisfactory ordering of the Fifth Millennium series which S.M Stirling may be difficult to work out. First, I'll list the seven volumes of the series:

SNOW BROTHER (1985; revised 1992), S.M Stirling
SHADOW'S DAUGHTER (1991), Shirley Meier
THE CAGE (1989), S.M. Stirling and Shirley Meier
LION'S HEART, Karen Wehrstein
LION'S SOUL, Karen Wehrstein
SHADOW'S SON (1991), Shirley Meier, S.M. Stirling, Karen Wehrstein
SABER AND SHADWOW (1992), S.M. Stirling and Shirley Meier

I have all of these books except LION'S HEART and LION'S SOUL. SNOW BROTHER was Stirling's first published book, so that would be a natural to read first. But it's been so long since I read these books that I'm not sure how to most correctly list them according to their internal chronology. Anyway, it's high time I reread these books (and get the two LION volumes).

Anyone who studies this list will note how Stirling was the author or co-author of four of them: SNOW BROTHER, THE CAGE, SHADOW'S SON, and SABER AND SHADOW.

Sean said...

Thank you. That helps to clarify a confusing issue.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I'm glad of that! And Stirling appendices to at least one or two of these books giving useful or interesting background information to the Fifth Millennium period in which they were located.

The Fifth Millennium seems to be a time long after our civilization had catastrophically fallen and mankind reverting to a lower level of technology. But not completely at a Medieval level, circa AD 1300.


Nicholas D. Rosen said...

Kaor, Sean!

Back a few decades ago, I read all of the Fifth Millennium books you list, beginning with THE CAGE. I believe that Karen Wehrstein later revisited that world with further tales of Fourth Chevenga, perhaps posted on a website; these were written with premise that the e ding of LION’S SOUL didn’t happen, and things took a different turn. I did not, however, read this new novel/series of stories, so I can’t say much about it, except that a completist may be interested in looking it up.

Best Regards,

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Nicholas!

Thanks! I had been wondering about Karen Wehrstein and her two LION books. I would probably do best to first hunt up the LION books.

Regards! Sean