Thursday 21 March 2019

In The Millesgarden

Poul Anderson, Tau Zero (London, 1973), CHAPTER 1.

"'Look - there - rising over the Hand of God. Is it?'
"'Yes, I think so. Our ship.'
"They were the last to go as Millesgarden was closed." (p. 1) (See Wiki, which refers to Tau Zero, here.)

The two astronauts see:

Folke Filbyter; (See Wiki here.)
"...young sisters embracing in their resurrection..." (p. 7)

They also see sunlight and shadows, feel breezes and hear fountains.

On p. 9, Reymont compares the world-governing Swedes to Pilate, yet another Biblical reference. It has proved to be fruitful to stay with the Swedish timeline.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I looked up the link to the Millesgarden and noticed the reference to Anderson's TAU ZERO.

I also wondered if the "Hand of God" statue was supposed to represent hand of God holding the newly created Adam, but the reference I checked out made no mention of that.


Johan Ortiz said...
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Johan Ortiz said...


Although I live not far from Stockholm, I happened to have read Tau Zero before visiting MillesgÄrden where the story opens. It added a layer to when I finally did visit it.

Otherwise, the idea of Sweden as a global hegemon made me smile, even if the justification for it made some sense.