Monday 18 March 2019


See Into The Shadow.

Previously, we compared Gearchs with Selenarchs and Selenites in Selenites, Gearchs And Selenarchs! and discussed the Gearch in more detail in The Gearch but that was so long ago that I had forgotten the details, including that the shadow planet is inhabited and that communication is established.

If FTL is impossible, then how might interstellar communication be established? Two possibilities are radio and another planetary system passing through the Solar System which happens both in this story and in Fifth Planet.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The old blog pieces you linked to pretty much sums up what can reasonably be said about the Gearchy we see in "In The Shadow." I like your suggestion that "Gearch" was a contraction of "Geo-Archon," meaning "ruler of Earth." Which as time passed might well have become the ordinary form of that monarch's title.
