Wednesday 20 March 2019

A Dead Leaf On A Winter Wind

See "Pride," here.

"Abruptly the hull shuddered and bucked." (p. 22)

I quoted this sentence as an example of the unexpected here.

The paragraph ends:

"Like a dead leaf on a winter wind, Valkyrie tumbled through space, borne wherever the cosmos cast her." (ibid.)

I have searched the blog for "dead leaves" and found many posts (see here) but not as yet the one that I was looking for, where spacecraft are compared to dead leaves. I think that it was in The Peregrine.

I have found the passage (see Leaf And Stars) and it is not about spaceships but about someone inside one.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And Flandry's remarks in WE CLAIM THESE STARS about the Terran nobles shivering as they contemplated the approaching fall of the Empire before they went back to playing with a few bright dead leaves is one of my favorite examples of Anderson using the "dead leaves" metaphor.
