Sunday 24 February 2019

New America

I should have said that SM Stirling's Theater Of Spies includes oblique allusions to at least two other Stirling alternative histories.

The contents of Poul Anderson's Orbit Unlimited originally appeared in Astounding and Fantastic whereas the four Rustum stories in the sequel volume appeared in Continuum I-IV, edited by Roger Elwood, a name we have met before. In the first story, Dan Coffin, now a teenager, must come to terms with his fear of the Rustumite lowlands and thus joins the ranks of Andersonian juvenile heroes on another colonized planet, Avalon.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Yes, in "My Own, My Native Land," the young Daniel Coffin did manage to overcome or dismiss his fear of the Rustumite lowlands and come to live happily there.

And I would include "The Queen of Air and Darkness" as part of the Rustum series, because we see mention of that planet in the story.

Thanks for mentioning how Stirling gives us hints about some of his other works in THEATER OF SPIES. Another thing to look out for when I finally get a copy of that book.
