Tuesday 12 February 2019

Works Within Works

Prose fiction traverses a spectrum with a single short story at one end and a long series of thick novels at the other. In futuristic sf, a single work can initiate a series which can grow into, or become part of, a future history series. Thus:

Poul Anderson's "Wings of Victory" initiates a sequence of works about interactions between human beings and Ythrians and that sequence is part of the History of Technic Civilization (the Technic History);

Anderson's "Margin of Profit" initiates a series about Nicholas van Rijn which is also part of the Technic History;

his "The Three-Cornered Wheel" initiates a series about David Falkayn who interacts both with van Rijn and with Ythrians and thus is also part of the Technic History;

"Tiger by the Tail" initiated a series about Dominic Flandry who lives long after van Rijn and Falkayn and thus is also part of the Technic Hisory;

The Game Of Empire, about Flandry's daughter, could have initiated a series if Anderson had not instead written another future history series and at least two other installments of the Technic History are also potential series;

the Technic History also includes other single works.

I think that this is definitely the best of the future history series.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I would have liked to have seen Poul Anderson filling in some "blank spots" in his Technic Civilization stories. And learned what happened to people as different from each other as Leon Ammon or Diana Crowfeather/Flandry. But I do understand Anderson wanted to try out other ideas and themes after THE GAME OF EMPIRE.

The four HARVEST OF STARS had concepts and ideas so strange to me that I needed to read them more than once before I could properly appreciate them. And I COMMEND Anderson for that, because they showed he was not content to rest on his laurels and was willing to explore new ideas. Even tho I still find some of those ideas in the HARVEST books implausible.
