Wednesday 13 February 2019

The Most Comprehensive

My main interests in sf are future histories and time travel. Both involve time but in different ways. Several authors address both, notably Wells, Stapledon, Heinlein and Anderson. However, Anderson is undoubtedly the most comprehensive.

Wells wrote one short time travel novel and one volume of future history. Stapledon wrote a single volume covering both. (His Star Maker is a cosmic history.) Heinlein wrote one Future History and three circular causality narratives. Anderson wrote eight future histories, one time travel series, three time travel novels and enough time travel short stories for a collection.

A future history can be a single volume or a series. Anderson did both. Time travel can be circular causality or causality violation. Anderson did both. Time travelers can visit the past or the future. Again, Anderson did both. In fact, what did he not do?

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

What did Anderson NOT do, as a writer of SF and F? Not much, to say the least! I would argue that S.M. Stirling surpassed L. Sprague De Camp and Anderson's pioneering works in alternate universe/history stories. Without in the least making De Camp's and Anderson stories in this genre of SF any the less readable.
