Tuesday 26 February 2019

Compare And Contrast Orbit Unlimited And Guardians Of Time

Maybe the single-volume tetralogy is an sf form?

Earthman, Come Home and The Seedling Stars by James Blish

Guardians Of Time (original edition), Orbit Unlimited and Twilight World by Poul Anderson

Whereas a trilogy comprises a beginning, a middle and an end, a tetralogy presents two intermediate stages between introduction and culmination, allowing slightly more time for change and development.

Space travel.
The opening story introduces the Constitutionalists and launches them toward Rustum.
In the second and third installments, obstacles to colonization are overcome.
The culmination is that colonists will be able to spread across the entire surface of Rustum.
The series was extended.

Time travel.
The opening story introduces Manse Everard and the Time Patrol to us and to each other and describes Everard's recruitment, training, first case and promotion to Unattached status.
In the second and third installments, Everard alters events.
The culmination is that time criminals have changed history but Everard changes it back.
The series was extended. 

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I know of at least one trilogy within Anderson's works which was MEANT as such: his three novelization of King Harald Hardrede of Norway: THE LAST VIKING. And of course there was the four volume tetralogy called THE KING OF YS (co-authored with Karen Anderson.
