Tuesday 19 February 2019

Anchor Or Anker

Poul Anderson, Orbit Unlimited, part four.

"The few dozen timber buildings which were Anchor village..." (1, p. 98)

"Anker's lone optician was not yet prepared to make contact lenses." (3, p. 109)

"Anchor was at work under the stars." (3. p. 112)

The Swift and Smoky Rivers meet at Anchor. (p. 98) Mayor Theron Wolfe's office above the library overlooks the Swift. (p. 108)

So the capital village of the Rustum colony is either named after the philosopher, Torvald Anker, or symbolically called "Anchor" - or maybe it is a bit of both?

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I checked section 3 of "The Mills of the Gods" in my Gregg Press copy of ORBIT UNLIMITED, and it too has "Anker," nor "Anchor." Which I thought odd if the village was named "Anchor." Maybe it was meant to refer to both the founding philosopher and the official name of the town?
