Friday 9 November 2018

Troubled Times

Poul Anderson describes troubled times extremely effectively in several novels and again in Harvest Of Stars, 36:

explosions destroy two Sepo HQ buildings;
armed forces go to full alert;
the President declares martial law;
Global News Associates broadcasts a communication from the Army of Liberation which quotes the US Declaration of Independence;
Wang expects civil disobedience, strikes, sabotage, riots and killing;
Kyra replies that most of the killing will be by militia and police;
crowds gather in several megalopolitan regions;
armored militia and armed flitters advance but do not yet try to disperse the crowds...

These are the times when things can change.

I was in Dublin when, after three days of demonstrations and a strike, the British Embassy was burned down.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

A minor correction, I think you meant to say the President of the North American Union declared martial LAW. I was also reminded of the Gordon Riots of 1780, which shook the gov't of Lord North (the Riot Act was read out and force was used to crush the riots).
