Monday 19 November 2018


Poul Anderson, The Fleet Of Stars, 6.

See Virtual Ultimate Reality?

A Soulquest Prior says:

"'Soulquest is much misunderstood. It did begin as a search for God, insight, ultimate truth, through cybernetics. But in the course of lifetimes, more and more the dream appeared empty. Few of us pursue it any longer. We draw on the system mainly for information, analyses, overviews, and symbolic virtualities. I myself do not seek enlightenment, only...reconciliation.'" (p. 74)

What? They didn't find enlightenment through computers so they stopped seeking enlightenment? The source of enlightenment is where it always was, within. What is the nature of being and consciousness? We are and we are conscious so what prevents us from answering the question? Inner delusions - to be dissolved by meditation.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I don't believe enlightenment can be found within us, I believe it can be found only by continuing to seek God.

Sean said...

But God is sought within.