Wednesday 14 November 2018

Time Passes

Poul Anderson, Harvest Of Stars, 59.

Kyra's son married the settler that he met and they now have grandchildren. Kyra, near death, is visited by download Guthrie in a robot body and greeted by the merged Eiko-Kyra download. When Kyra sleeps and is left alone, we expect her to die but instead she wakes to see the first Demetrian snow.

Sheila and I will shortly go to eat with our daughter and granddaughter. Chapter 60, to be reread later, returns to the Centaurian Lunarians. This novel packs much fictional history into a few short chapters. There are three subsequent volumes although we have recently reread Volume II, The Stars Are Also Fire, out of order. The next to be reread is Volume III, Harvest The Fire.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And I'm glad Kyra had such a long and basically happy life!
