Thursday 15 November 2018

Vast, Slow History

Poul Anderson, The Fleet Of Stars, 1.

Lunarians on Proserpina in the Kuiper Belt of the Solar System send a laser beam to Lunarians at Alpha Centauri A. The Centaurian Lunarians relay at least some of the information to "Terrans," unadapted human beings, at Amaterasu. Thus, the Amaterasuans learn of the colonization of Proserpina five or six hundred years after the event. History still happens but on a vaster spatiotemporal scale.

The Terrestrial cybercosm had opposed Proserpinan colonization and is now suspected both of suppressing some major discovery made by a space-based gravitational lens and of sabotaging a lens constructed by Proserpinans. Antimatter production has resumed on Mercury and Proserpinans report signs of fast exotic interstellar spacecraft. The cybercosm might be spying on Proserpina and on the extra-solar colonies.

Ideological conflict also has not stopped but moved to a vaster scale.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

History and conflicts are not only happening on a far vaster scale, but also on a far slower scale. If STL technology is all that is yet known for transmitting information, downloads, and people, then long periods of time have to necessarily pass between cruxes in human events.
