Thursday 15 November 2018

The Tetralogy

In Harvest Of Stars:

PART ONE is kyra;
PART TWO is eiko;
PART THREE is demeter.

Downloads of Kyra and Eiko become Demeter Mother, sometimes just called "Demeter."

Harvest Of Stars begins in the Solar System and ends on Demeter in the system of Alpha Centauri A;

The Stars Are Also Fire is about earlier and later events in the Solar System;

Harvest The Fire is about still later events in the Solar System;

The Fleet Of Stars begins on Amaterasu in the system of Beta Hydri, colonized from Demeter, but then a Guthrie download returns to the Solar System.

At the end of Harvest Of Stars, Anson says that, when they are old, he and Demeter Daughter will download and will probably go to Kwan-Yin in the constellation of Puppis. At the beginning of The Fleet Of Stars, a seventy-two year old Anson is with Demeter Daughter on Amaterasu so have they traveled there from Demeter or been regrown on Amaterasu?

Addendum: The question is answered on p. 4: grown on Amaterasu.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

The complexity, depth, and sophistication of Anderson's late phase work is amazing! And it's outrageous how so many, even SF fans, are either not either not aware of his works or sneeringly dismiss Anderson!
