Friday 23 November 2018


Poul Anderson, The Fleet Of Stars, 15.

Weather Control directs energy beams from space to divert a hurricane away from anywhere that it might cause serious damage. However, the new course cannot be fully predicted. An unsinkable floating island responds to the weather like a giant organism, suffering harm only to gardens and parks.

The chapter ends with a Pathetic Fallacy. Fenn plans to catch He'o's murderer:

"'Time for tracking Pedro Dover down.'
"The storm yelled." (p. 194)

Anderson fans might remember a hurricane in an earlier future history. See Man Versus Nature.


Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Are we to infer the storm "yelled" from wrath and fury? At least that is what I thought the pathetic fallacy should be understood.

Sean said...

Or the storm cheered on Fenn's vengeance?

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I don't think so. After all, Fenn did not kill the murderer of He'o. Rather, he subdued and arrested the criminal. Fenn was content to turn the murderer over to whatever the criminal justice system had become by then. And that, of course, is the better way to handle such matters. Albeit, sometimes ridiculously lenient sentences are imposed on even the most odious criminals.

Sean said...

But at the time Fenn and we thought he was going to kill Dover.

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

It's been year since I read THE FLEET OF STARS, but I'm sure you are right, at the moment Fenn burst into Dover's cabin I probably thought he was going to kill the criminal.
