Monday 19 November 2018

Life On Mars

Poul Anderson, The Fleet Of Stars, 5.

In Martian gravity, Lunarians become short and stocky whereas Terrans become tall and thin. We knew that, didn't we?

Terrans traveling into the desert record a travel plan whereas  the reckless Lunarians, bound by honor, not by law, do not.

Lunarians release, hunt, kill, repair, then re-release, eight-legged, solar-powered robots.

Phobos, small and visibly lumpy, casts shadows and climbs rapidly but presumably dos not "hurtle" (ERB).

Martians cannot afford self-guiding machinery because successive Terrestrial regimes have not fully supported interplanetary colonization. Society limits technology.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

I had forgotten how Lunarians, under Mars higher gravity, became shorter and stockier than was the average for their race. And that the opposite would be true for Terrans.

If only Mars had began to be settled, as it should have been, about 25 years ago, we might already have been seeing this!!!!

And that last bit by you hints again that something more and ominous is going on!
