Tuesday 20 November 2018

News From The Stars

Poul Anderson, The Fleet Of Stars, 8.

"'The news from the stars has touched everyone in the Solar System...'" (p. 107)

Downloaded human personalitites, integrated with a planetary ecology, have become a "Life Mother," guiding and directing the terraforming of a planet. A Life Mother has also been able to transfer a downloaded personality into a body newly grown from the original person's DNA. Thirdly, near light speed spaceships have been developed. Thus, both extra-solar colonization and immortality have become feasible. Although the first "resurrections" were performed by a Life Mother, does a Life Mother remain necessary for this process? If not, then immortality might be even closer.

A community of human beings and intelligent seals based in the Pacific now hopes to terraform Mars.The cybercosm resists sudden social or technological revolutions but change edges closer, nevertheless.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And why should the cybercosm, being INORGANIC, even care about, never mind OPPOSE, what human beings were doing? What threat or danger were humans to it?
