Sunday 8 April 2018

Outside The Empire

Gwydion and its sun, Ynis, are 200 parsecs from Sol, which is concealed from them by a Nebula, whereas Nuevamerica and Lochlann orbit different suns, close to each other, about 50 light years from Ynis towards Hercules.

It follows that not only Gwydion but also Nuevamerica and Lochlann lie well outside the boundaries of the former Terran Empire. However, the Lochlanna, Raven, says that Gwydion, isolated by the breakup of the Solar Commonwealth, remained isolated during the entire Imperial period. By implication, Nuevamerica and Lochlann were not isolated although neither were they Imperial planets.

We know that some human colony planets were outside the Empire:

Aenean exiles colonized a planet in a nebula in another spiral arm;
Avalon was in the Domain of Ythri;
there were human populations within the Merseian Roidhunate.

So we can now add three more planets to the list of human colonies outside the Empire.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

And some once independent humanly colonized planets became part of the Empire. Such as Freehold, Jihannath, Altai, and Unan Besar. Generally, this happened to counteract Merseian schemes. Dominic Flandry was responsible for Altai and Unan Besar being incorporated into the Empire.
