Friday 13 April 2018

Decades Later...

At the end of The Spy Who Came In From The Cold and during the Cold War, a British man and  woman were shot dead on the Eastern side of the Berlin Wall. Now, in A Legacy Of Spies and in the early twenty first century, that man's son and that woman's daughter try to hold the British Secret Intelligence Service to account. Imagine if something like this were to happen to Dominic Flandry. He worked for a criminal in A Circus Of Hells and assisted in the murder of a Sector Governor in The Rebel Worlds. Decades later, we imagine, someone with a personal interest investigates these events and points the finger at Flandry.

Each Flandry novel ends successfully for its hero but he has had to cover up a lot of loose ends. In The Rebel Worlds, his superiors have uncovered some of Flandry's secrets and suspect others but it is in their interests to turn a blind eye. It might not always be. He is disliked by Emperor Gerhart. There is a potential can of worms for Flandry. Anderson did not write that sort of series so this did not happen - and I have no idea what will happen to John le Carre's characters.

1 comment:

Sean M. Brooks said...

Kaor, Paul!

Interesting notion, some muckraker digging up Flandry's "association" with Leon Ammon and his role in Aaron Snelund's death to accuse Flandry of crimes deserving a court martial. The plea that his deal with Ammon STRENGTHENED the Empire and that Snelund was a very bad and dangerous man might not deter some esp. zealous types.

But, despite his dislike for Flandry, Emperor Gerhart came to respect him for his abilities and to listen carefully to Flandry's advice. Also, the fact Crown Prince Karl liked and admired Flandry is another factor.
